Nazaj v Indijo. Fotke so vec ali manj obdelane, kar jih bom objavil na netu, so ze objavljene. Nisem prevec zadovoljen, ampak OK.
Moram pa priznati, da se kar nekajkrat vrnem nazaj s spomini v Indijo. Predvsem v Rajastan, kamor bi definitivno rad sel nazaj. Ostalo je toliko se za videti, od Jaisalamerja do kaksnih tigrov v naravi… Ok, naslednjic…
Well… finally… after almost one month and a half i managed to put some photos on the net. I’m not to pleased with myself (with both speed and quality of photos), but nevertheless, here they are…
And i really have to confess… I still wander in my mind back to Rajastan. There were just to many things to see and not enough time. Would love to visit adjacent Jaisalamer in a desert or see a tiger in a wild… Next time…